"Barb Kedler"
When my sister first saw this one she said "I love this...will you name it for me?"
18" tall....3 way branching 15 buds, Semi-evergreen Dip -- hardy in zone 5, green throat...snow white sepals.
Barb Kedler is a beautiful Steely purple and white bi-tone daylily with white mid-ribs that enhance the color of the sepals. The petals are surrounded with a white ruffled edge. Barb Kedler is a terrific parent to use for bi-tones and bi-colors as it likes to throws it's snow-white sepal color to many of it's offspring.
Barb K. is not a tall flower as it blooms just at the tip of the leaves....and occasionally with throw and extra petaloid. If you are looking for that clean, beautiful bi-tone for your display bed or if you want to breed beautiful bi-tones and bi-colors (see seedlings) then Barb Kedler is a spendid choice for you. $75 SF